Sunday, April 24, 2011

On the Hunt

Easter egg hunt #1. Awesome.

Granted he was just as interested in playing with the rocks and mulch as he was in the Easter eggs, but he still had a fun time. We crashed our neighbor's Primary Easter Party (she's the prez, gave us a VIP pass and waived the underage issue). He enjoyed running around with everyone, eating the Play-Do, and trying to bathe in the drinking fountain. The best part was when he has already found two eggs, one in each hand, and then came across a third. He put egg #1 down to pick up the 3rd, but then had to put egg #2 down to pick up #1 again, and this went on for awhile before he gave me one and then ran away.

This past month or so has been an explosion of climbing exploration. He can climb onto the kitchen table, so we took away the extra chairs and the remaining ones are often in the middle of the kitchen, safely away from everything. He's close to figuring out how to push them back to the table though. His comprehension of no and yes and stop stop stop! are still getting there. He often waits, halfway up the chair or table or sofa or bed or stairs or chapel aisle, and waits till one of us comes and catches him. Then he squeals and goes in turbo-speed mode to get as far as he can before we pick him up. We used to get through Sacrament meeting by sitting in the overflow on the folding chairs, cordoning off a quarantine zone by rearranging the chairs so he was trapped in. That worked until he figured out how to climb under, over and then through chairs.

He's got a thing where gets really excited (or bored, depending) and hits whoever is holding him really hard, which is a no-no and he knows that, so he also shakes his head "no" the whole time. He's doing waaaaaay better sleeping during the night. Naps are getting there. He takes one most days, unless he has a rough night or wakes up really early one day, then he might take two.

three eggs! uh-oh!

Big kids are so cool


focus face
Do your cheeks hang low...?
Ess cop ay

He's got this little knee-arm twist- wiggle thing he does when he runs happily


The Lybbert Family said...

So super cute!. He is just adorable. Alice is getting into everything too, but not quite so bad since she's not walking yet. fun fun.

Sarah Haynie said...

Thanks so much for the detail post about his "quirks". It makes me feel like I am there and I really do know him. Pics are great and I wish I could have watched the 3-egg problem-solving skills. Love