Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Solids and Spider- Man

She's a rolly-polly, scooting and turning and somehow getting herself across rooms. I'll lay her down on the floor on a blanket and find her on the other side of the room a few minutes later. She's also discovered her toes, which is seriously too cute. She started to notice them while sitting in her Bumbo, and now when she lays on her back she reaches up for them and either just likes to hold her toes, or she tries to eat them. But she has really chubby legs, so they don't quite squish up to her mouth as well as she'd like.
She's also started sampling solid food. Still won't take a bottle of any kind, and binkies are chew toys, not for sucking or soothing, Her favorite is frozen yogurt, chocolate flavor. 

 Sometimes I match them accidently on purpose.
 Siblings, no?
 Bad guy face. He's actually looking at the camera.
She can be moody.
 Oh, how she likes to eat faces!
 Not this one though. He's too fierce.
 He climbs like Spider- Man, but then he reaches for a stair and hangs by one arm "like King Louis" from Jungle Book
 You've just had web shot at you. 

1 comment:

Sarah Haynie said...

Such great pics and story telling. Thanks. I feel like I am keeping up with them because you keep posting the pics and stories. Spider-Man face painting is really great. Are you taking up face painting in your spare time? Love to all.